Monday, October 27, 2014

Fall 2014

We have been spoiled this year! This Summer was cool and now Fall has been absolutely gorgeous. Ok, winter was bad, but I just try to forget... The beautiful colors of fall that haven't been quite as bright in recent years finally decided to blossom for us this year.

Fall has always been one of my favorite seasons. I love wearing the light jackets, the scarves, and enjoying those last precious moments of nice weather. When the leaves crunch under your feet as you walk. The way that a warm October fades deliciously into a cool November. When we turn inward and spend time at home, cooking, baking, making cocktails. Inviting friends over to enjoy in all the cooking, baking, and cocktails. I listen to jazz music in the Fall, because it just feels right. Fall is when our towns and our hours most feel like home. Familiar and cozy.

This October has been amazing! Enjoy some of the photos I have taken.

Photos were taken in Minnesota and Iowa.