Wednesday, November 5, 2014

FRIEND TALK: When you and your friends aren't the same page

Do you remember the episode of FRIENDS, The One Where No One’s Ready? Ross has a big fancy event to attend and the whole group is coming along, but when Ross shows up, no one is ready to go. The whole episode follows along as Chandler & Joey get in a fight over a chair, Monica gets upset over a voicemail from her ex Richard, Rachel can’t decide what to wear, and Phoebe gets a stain on her dress, meanwhile Ross is losing his mind! Ugh! I have totally been in those situations where no one seems to be on the same page. It really tests your friendships. It took me a really long time to figure out how to get out of these situations and I'm all the happier for it. It's all a part of growing up, I suppose.

Whenever my friends and I all have different ideas of what to do or the timeline we should follow or I can’t seem to find the energy to get excited for an idea, I just think about my friends instead of myself. Group indecision can drive everyone crazy and it helps me to focus on something or someone. I ask myself, whose night is this? Who came up with the plan? Who or what are we celebrating? Who just needs a little extra love? And I channel my energy toward them. If it’s Ross’ big night, I’ll just put on a lovely dress and get ready as quick as possible. If it’s my friend’s birthday, I’m going to make it a great night for her. If my friend has had a tough couple weeks, I’m going to focus on helping her feel better. And when it’s my night to get the attention, I’m going to make it easy for everyone to know how they can help make my night special.

Focusing on others helps me find happiness. Sometimes I get in our head that an evening might be better spent by myself, but I almost never regret those nights I get off the couch and hang out with my friends. There are always times when we need to focus on ourselves and that is ok too (and highly encouraged). But on those other nights, I just need to hang out with my friends. If they are having fun, then I am having fun too, because we are friends and that is how it works.

What helps you when you are having a hard time with your friends?