Friday, May 11, 2012

Time to Enjoy Summer

Yesterday marked the first day of summer! I finished my group project and was off to work. Well, I got done really early and had the whole afternoon to myself. Instead of heading home and inevitably just hanging out in my room, I decided to head to the park. While I wasn't really prepared for all of the walking, I had the most wonderful day at the Como Zoo and Park. This is probably my favorite place in all of the Twin Cities. 
Here are a few photos of my day:

It is so beautiful on the inside of the conservatory! Also, nothing like CLUE in case you were wondering.

The flowers were gorgeous! Also, I'm slightly impressed with my iPhone skills


Some wise words:

The zoo is really cool and, better yet, free! It's a great place wonder and take in the sun!
Ducks are swimming with the flamingos. Typical
After a lovely time at the park, I decided to hit up St. Paul Campus of the U of M and get some the delicious ice cream made right on campus!

Coconut Dream and Chocolate Almond! YUM!

I hope to spend many more day outside enjoying the weather and the treasures of the Twin Cities. What are your summer plans?